In Jakisnici, a small fishing village...
In Jakisnici, a small fishing village in the northern part of the island there is a house Marino, located on top of the bay with a beautiful view of almost all the islands of Kvarner.
A4 Blue
Apartment with a gallery.
Bedroom with double bed
In the gallery double bed
Kitchen, living room, terrace, air conditioning, shower, TV-Sat, parking, barbecue area.
A3 Orange
Bedroom with double bed
Bedroom with single bed
The kitchen, dining room, bathroom, satellite TV, air conditioning, terrace, barbecue
Sea (m) | 100 |
Beach (m) | 100 |
Groceries (m) | 100 |
Restaurant (m) | 100 |
Bathroom | Yes |
Kitchen | Yes |
Terrace | Yes |
Grill | Yes |
Parking | Yes |
TV | Yes |
Air conditio | Yes |
Satelite TV | Yes |